Degree maps give students targets to complete their degrees on time. Degree maps help students avoid taking unneeded classes and save time and money. Co-curricular mapping allows students to identify what opportunities are available and determine the out-of-class experience they want to create for themselves.
The Degree, Co-Curricular and Career Mapping team has charted a three-course path for this project that is intended to benefit students at each phase of their academic journey, from program selection to career entry, and support a holistic development.
Kentucky Purpose First, a state initiative led by Complete College America and the Lumina Foundation, will compliment the the Success by Design mapping project through funding and resources geared toward strengthening college-to-career guided pathways.
“Kentucky has taken great strides to connect higher education degrees and credentials to the workforce. The partnership with Complete College America to implement Purpose First strategies in Kentucky will accelerate this work and result in clearer pathways to gainful employment, especially for our minority and low-income students."
-- Dr. Aaron Thompson, President, Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education