Phase 2: Convert PDFs to Webpage Content (where appropriate)
Phase 3: Ensure the Accessibility of all PDFs
PDFs have become so commonplace that sometimes their presence on the web is overlooked. While they are much better for sharing information than proprietary software, individuals with disabilities can be presented with added barriers when attempting to access files that have not been made accessible.
To help shift NKU websites in a more desirable direction that allows all site visitors access to our information, we are undertaking an annual purge effort. With a short series of events, co-presented by the Marketing and Communications and Information Technology offices, we hope to improve the quality of NKU's digital asset manager and simultaneously improve overall site content. Not only are these steps critical in building a more accessible web environment, they will help ensure NKU compliance with local and federal ADA requirements.
All web editors are requested to participate in NKU's Website PDF Cleanup.