A Master of Social Work (MSW) prepares you for advanced social work practice and allows students to work in clinical settings, among others, after graduation. NKU offers 2 tracks:
A Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) is a 4 year undergraduate degree that prepares you for generalist social work practice.
Students of any major can minor in Social Justice to learn about human rights and promote a just society.
NKU's School of Social Work offers 4 microcredentials to allow students to gain competency in skills and populations important to employers.
CW PREP is an innovative career preparation program. CW Prep provides specialized training in child welfare to grow skills, get paid while you learn and launch into a rewarding career for Kentucky’s Department of Community Based Services, in return for your commitment to child welfare work, we supply everything you need to excel.
For more information contact our site coordinator Nycole Brundidge at brundidgen@nku.edu
The School of Social Work offers a faculty-led trip to Guatemala over spring break of odd numbered years where students can learn hands on about the history and culture of Guatemala, as well as its economic and political development, environment, agricultural crops (with a primary focus on coffee) use of cooperatives and social justice issues.